You get to see beautiful sunrise from the staff room when you arrive at 6 plus.
Also see a face like this. Kidding. He was actually the positive energy for the time we spent there.
During break time.
Last day at W54.
My cubicle partner for 3 weeks!! Really thankful to him 'cos he guided me quite a lot. Such a knowledgeable partner!
Truly learned a lot there but I think I forgot some of it already?! Shiattt.
I also got attached to W52 after that but there were no full group photos taken hahaha. Anyway, the people at W52 are super nice and willing to teach too.
In between the attachment, we went to Primary Schools for 2 days to help out with the school health check-up. It was so fun! Seeing all the little kids made me realise just how much time has passed and how much I have grown. God, so nostalgic. I don't have much memories of when I was in Primary 1, Probably 'cos my life had nothing interesting back then. Can you remember when you were in P1? Those P1 children were seriously the cutest! I would rather be attached to Primary Schools all day thank you. HAHAHA.
Oh yeah, and we had to make a group presentation a one of he health screening aspect. So these were my group members!
In one of the school's rooms. Our in-charge was really kind too!
Went to HPB to present it and had fun there too! There was this new healthzone that was built up. We all got to go in and enjoy the facilities there even though the max age was 17 hahaha.
Llao Llao on the last day.
The lady gave me too much yogurt lol.
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