Hola! I'm back after my exams! Like...
That explains it all.
I'm really relieved that this semester's exams have ended 'cos they were tougher than I expected. I guess my not listening to lectures and not doing tutorials contributed to how everything seemed much tougher. Ugh, probably not gonna do a round-up of this semester 'cos I did a somewhat similar post here. (If you've been reading then you'd know.)
Anyways, yassss. Back to finishing up the last events of how my previous holiday went.
I had an outing with my previous sub-group members, like a really proper outing hahaha. We planned to meet at Vivo City 'cos some of them lived far away and hey, Vivo is a big place with what I'd would say endless shops lolol. But then, I woke up late HAHAHA. My body clock is really screwed up man. And so, I reached there um, 1 hour late? #sorrynotsorry Okay, I was a little embarrassed but uh, what can I do right? What's done is done.
We kinda strolled around Vivo for a while while talking and at the same time trying to find suitable places for dinner. Lolol, we went up and down various levels but came to no agreement. -inserts laughing emoji-
In the end, since we were kinda hungry, we just went to Giant and bought some snacks after which we proceeded to search for food places online.
Boss QQ preparing to dig innnn.
Our boss hahaha.
Boss Elle.
Shit sorry my finger likes to interfere with the pretty scene.
And a few selfies to accompany the view.
It doesn't seem like it, but THERE WAS THAT UNRELENTING SUN THERE. Hothothot.
WE actually spammed a truckload of photos in QQ's new Iphone 6 that time but I'm too lazy to post them all. So here are some screencaptures!
See what I mean? #exposed hahaha.
Having selected our place for dinner, we escaped that blaring hot sun and went to Candylicious!
They actually have a cafe in there!
I love small stuff 'cos it's so cute! If I were a kid again...
Omgosh, can I buy that??
Was totally in the Christmas spirit.
That guy's like, "what's this Miss Yeo doing?" Hahaha. Take pics lah!
And allll the colours of m&m, even more than the one at Ngee Ann City. That couple was blocking, so take another one.
Thereeee, but sorry it's not the full one 'cos there were too many people passing by and I realized they repeated the same series of colours the other side. So just imagine one big semi-circle.
For dinner, we went to Tanjong Pagar Community Centre where there was a buffet place and no, I wouldn't go back there again. I can't believe that each person has to pay $30+ and the food is not even fabulous? Ugh. Bad choice for food but great company makes up for all that. Their sushi really sucks and some of the other food are kinda average. (Explains missing food pictures.) Lolol, and it was packed during dinnertime (cannot believe it). And of course!! Thank you boss for helping each of us to pay $5 'cos it was seriously kinda ex. Thank you!
And yes, I'm doing this at a somewhat ungodly hour.
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