Friday, January 9, 2015

Look back on 2014

If I were to think of the good things in 2014, I would say that it's been a pretty good year. BUT, there have been quite a few events that haven't been pleasant. And it's not like they're really small events too. So I have to say that 2014 hasn't been a great year after all.

2014 started on a good note with me still working in the warehouse that time. I was just earning and spending and the cycle repeats. Lol, best time of all. The first extremely long holiday in a while where I really didn't need to do any school-related stuff. I also had lots of time to meet my friends, which I was grateful for.

Then poly started. First came the changes. I think I did adapted pretty well to change this time, considering it was not my favourite course of choice again. Hahaha. People in the class were very friendly and it made me feel like opening up after a while. I also took the first step in talking to a friend. Hahaha. And that ended up pretty well. We got closer since then. I'm also super grateful to have a friend like her. 

CCA. I ended up joining dance again in the end lolol. In fact, I was actually pulled into audition by another friend. And I got in. Since there didn't seem like there were other fulfilling CCAs that appealed to me, I ended up joining. Initially, I was against joining dance. After all, I had dance as my CCA from primary to secondary school. So I wanted to try something new this time. Alas, the twist of fate. I thought it was gonna be the same kind of thing. Who knew? Joining Dance Company gave me a greater perspective of dance. The style of dance that we learned was similar yet different from my experiences. It gave me new challenges and I found a sense of accomplishment when I could achieve it. Joining DC also helped me to realize that I do still love dance after all. Hahaha. It's just deep inside. I have tried ignoring it but I guess it won't ever go away. It also ignited a sort of passion in me as did before. The seniors were also very encouraging and I guess their commitment to dance was also partly why I gave my best in dance. I really don't regret joining DC overall.

Injured. Yeah, but halfway through the happy moments of poly, I got an injury which just escalated. I don't even want to talk about it. This had a super huge impact on me as I had to stop dance for a while. I was pretty depressed over my injury 'cause I practically felt like a handicapped person. I don't think anyone really knew but that injury greatly affected me physically, emotionally and mentally. Going to the doctors' countless times. Frustrated. Damn. Then there was the possibility that i had to quit dance for good. Now that, was a struggle in decision. Lol, tears came out on a few occasions when I thought about it. Even though it has been quite a while since the injury, I still haven't fully recovered.

Poly. Shortly after Semester 2 started, that's when poly problems came in. It was my first time being a sub-group leader and honestly, in my whole 18 years of life I have never once been a leader of sorts. I have observed how leaders did and I thought I could cope, but I was so wrong. It has not been a good experience but at least I did learn something out of it. I'm also grateful for a few people in the group who didn't give me problems. In short, it's been draining. 

2014 was also the year where I turned 18. The reality started to sink in after that. That I'm really getting old. Back in the earlier years, I could still say, hey, I'm young! Or forever 16! You know. Now? Hahaha. When I say that, I don't feel young at all. The route to being an adult and turning 21 is so close that I'm afraid. I'm not even sure I'm able to do what is expected of me then. And if I look back even further, I found that I have actually become more emotional. WELL, not those super emo kinds duh. Just, I started to show more of how I feel towards the people around me. And I think it's really important that they know it. Hah, and it was the first time I actually felt I had too many friends. Not that I dislike it. Wanting to meet-up with all of them was not an easy task. Still, I guess I managed pretty well? In addition, I have also finally understood the importance of family. It used to be friends over family. I would rather go out with my friends than family but it's changed this year. Another scary signal being mature. But I do like that part. 

Many opportunities also came to me in poly. And it further strengthened my thinking that things may not be as hard as you think. The feeling of  'hey, I can actually do this!' helped me to discover abilities that I never knew. I have also learned lots of lessons from it. I guess my self-confidence has risen a little? Haha. 

Time as usual, passes too fast. I'm reluctant yet relieved that 2014 is over. Let's hope 2015 will be a better one. Bye 2014 and hello 2015. (:



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