Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Hair updates!

Hello! So here's me squeezing in a post between schoolwork. Trust me, I have lots of undone work now. I got like too surprised when I returned to school this Monday. I wasn't exactly shocked because I knew I had all these work to complete but the memory of it was left to rot during the holiday hahaha. So, now I'm suffering. Oh well. 

I also had my hair dyed for the FIRST TIME IN MY 19 YEARS OF LIFE in mid-October, dip-dyed actually. Therefore, it's something worth blogging about. Also taking into consideration that my mother didn't allow it for those 19 years. Dyeing hair isn't cheap also okay. I have been meaning to blog about it ever since but uhhhh. Circumstances - and let's just leave it at that. It has been nearly 3 months since then. The colour has faded A LOT.:( But I can't expect too much since it was only $90 and done at a home salon. Plus, I wasn't the one paying haha.  But not totally, so here are my hair updates from then till recently!

I showed her this photo I found on google.
I asked for a dark blue, like navy blue colour because it's not so striking in school in case any lecturers are displeased because of my course. It's also my favourite colour. ^^ And I could just cut the whole chunk off before my next attachment starts if the colour is still strong by then. My hair should still be long enough to be bunned up too. So I didn't dye quite a lot.  And...

Just dyed in mid-Oct
 Well, I'll admit my phone's camera quality like decreased overtime somehow? But you can see that one side already had less colour than the other :( I didn't know if it's because she didn't do it properly or the dye or what other reason... BUT, I sat a total of 4 hours for this. Including bleaching x2 and her mixing of colours and then setting the colour. Received many compliments about the hair colour from the people around me. :D

Over the span of the next few weeks
With flash.

Just last month in mid-Dec
The colour was really not obvious so it doesn't show up easily on camera or natural light and somehow it appears purple on camera sometimes. It's even more easily concealed now since the colour faded. Just a little sad about it haha. Considering dip-dyeing again but doing it myself this time since it's already bleached. Should I?

P.s, my scalp's still a virgin okay. Haha.



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